What does PICKS stand for?
Our goal at Creative Classroom PICKS is to not only come alongside our students in their academic interests, but to also see them grow personally in character. PICKS is an acronym that helps us remember that mission. 
We want our students to be passionate about learning! We can accomplish this by providing an environment where they learn new skills through a hands on approach, interact with other students who have similar interests and get excited about exploring a variety of new topics.
We are constantly surrounded by beauty, colors, nature, information and people. There is so much to be inspired by when it comes to education, hobbies, creativity and imagination! We want to help our students learn how to tap into the inspiration around them and use those skills to create amazing things.
Confidence builds on itself through trial and error, practice, proficiency and eventually mastery. We like to use the phrase "failing forward". If we mess up, it's okay! That's where we learn, assess, make changes, grow and try again. Our students grow in confidence step by step on their way to success. We are here to encourage and guide them along on their journey.
Kindness is an important value that we want our students to share not only with each other, but also with themselves. Students have opportunities to show kindness through interacting with others in the class, working to create and brainstorm together and building a positive self voice while learning new skills.
A student is someone who is a learner, who studies and who is an attentive observer. We know that everyone learns through a variety of different styles and resources which is why we strive to teach in a hands on encouraging environment where questions, curiosity and creativity are welcome.